Jim was sitting on the porch relaxing when he saw his brother riding up. Dan handed the reins of Spartan to the stable boy, and sauntered up to the porch, foregoing what would be his usual hop over the railing, and gingerly leaned against the rail. While recovering and while the US Marshal headquarters was being built in town, Dan would stay with his brother and great uncle.

The Marshal Service had decided to add several Marshals to the territory, and Dan had requested placement locally.

"How’s the ribs?" Jim asked cheerfully.

"Healing pretty well. Brian and Doc Ferris didn't want me riding for a couple more days but there’s no way I can sit still and do nothing.”

"You always were restless," Jim took a sip of his lemonade then offered Dan the glass. His brother took it and downed most of the cool liquid.

“Jones got away,” Dan sighed.

Jim nodded. “I heard.”

“How’d Uncle James react?”

“That the foreman’s he trusted for years has been robbing him blind? He’s madder than a wet hornet,” Jim chuckled. “And not surprised at all. Went on a big rant about how if wasn’t confined to that wheelchair so much he’d have been out there himself.”

Dan grinned. He hadn’t been able to approach his great-uncle while undercover, now he had a chance to get to know the elderly man.

Reaching for the pitcher to refill the lemonade glass, Dan used drinking to stall for time.

There was silence for only a moment.

"You know I'm gonna challenge you for her," Dan said casually, a teasing glint in his eyes and his lips twitching in a smile.

"I expected as much," Jim replied with a smile. "You serious about her?"

"I think so," Dan mused, taking another drink. "She riles me up like no woman ever has."

Jim nodded. "I know what you mean. But I didn't bring you out here to steal my girl."

Dan laughed. "Don't let her hear you say she's yours."

"No kidding. I'd get an earful for sure," Jim chuckled.

"Especially when I plan to make her mine," Dan's dark eyes twinkled at his brother.

Jim laughed. "No girl gets between us," he said solemnly.

"Never. Even though it's gonna be hard for you not to try kicking my butt when I win," he said slyly.

The pair laughed as Jim stood. Dan hopped to his feet and Jim slung his arm around his younger brother gently. Dan exaggerated a wince and Jim ruffled Dan’s dark hair.

“Looking forward to a real bed instead of that cot?” he laughed.

"Hell yes. And I’m starved. Supper ready yet?"


"They're both going to court you?" Madeleine asked, her hazel eyes wide.

"That's what they've both said," Trixie chewed her lip, an unladylike habit her mother strongly discouraged.

"How exciting!" Di's violet eyes glowed as she leaned forward. "Who are you going to choose?"

Trixie shook her head. "I don't know. I like them both."

"Just like?" Madeleine teased.

Trixie blushed. "I care about them both. Dan was lying there bleeding and everything and yet-when Jim clobbered that man, my heart stopped. I don't know what to do!"

"Enjoy it," Di giggled. "I love your brother Trix, but you've got the dark handsome federal marshal and a gentlemanly, supple redhead- two of the richest men in the state pursuing you!"

"And this is good how?" Trixie asked, running her hands through her curls. "I've never had one man pursue me, let alone two! Throw in the fact they’re brother’s-it’s mindboggling!”

“Do tell us about that,” Di said eagerly. “I’m just dying to know!”

“Well,” Trixie played the hem of her skirt. The three girls were enjoying an afternoon in the woods, sitting around on a blanket. “Like Jim said, his parents adopted Dan after Dan’s parents were killed in a mugging. Dan and Jim both witnessed it. Dan’s parents worked for the Fraynes, and often took the boys out. Dan doesn’t like to talk about it but Jim said Dan tried to attack the man-at nine years old! The man took off when Jim dragged Dan into hiding. The Mangans were loyal employees, and Dan had been Jim’s best friend for several years. They studied together, played together-Dan was the brother his parents couldn’t have.”

“And now he’s a US Marshal!” Di swooned. Trixie and Honey giggled.

“Something tells me he’s still looking for that man. But Jim says he’s the best, and well, he fooled me,” she said glumly. Madeleine patted her on the arm.

‘Not entirely. You never would have been drawn to a man if he was truly a criminal. I think your heart knew he was a good man. Same with Jim. If they had been the awful men you suspected, you never would have developed feelings,” she said.

Trixie blushed. “I haven’t developed feelings for either! Not really!”

Diana and Madeleine laughed heartily, with Di laying on her back.

“Who are you fooling Trixie Belden!” she sat up and wiped the tears from her eyes. “Not I!”

"Well they're both good looking, smart, kind, adventurous, what more could a girl want?" Honey giggled.

"I guess figure out how each one makes you feel and decide which you prefer," Di said logically. "Has Dan kissed you?”

Trixie's blush was the answer she needed. Trixie wasn’t about to tell them of the stolen kisses over the last few weeks.

"So now they've both kissed you, whose better?" Di demanded.

Trixie shook her head. "It's not that simple Di. They both make me dizzy!"

"Then enjoy it," Di grinned mischievously.

Trixie laughed. Enjoy it indeed, she would.


Author’s Notes
-thanks for reading! Stick around to see who, how, and IF Trixie can choose between her beaus!
- a big yee haa to Julie, for editing this! As usual, I screwed with it so mistakes are mine!
-Word Count, 940

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